Mensen raken = klanten maken(nl) Hoe je sales- en marketingaanpak differentiëren in een wereld van digitalisatie en hyperpersonalisatie Author: Jochen Roef Jozefien De Feyter Carolien Boom Other binding 2020 200 Price:€ 34,99 Add to basket
Building Bonds = Building Business How to win buyers’ trust in a turbulent digital world Author: Jochen Roef Jozefien De Feyter Carolien Boom Paperback 2025 200 Customers today demand an extremely personalised buyer experience: they want expert guidance throughout a customised buying process. By[...] Price:€ 29,99 Add to basket
Less contact more impact Author: Jochen Roef Jozefien De Feyter Carolien Boom Hardback 2020 186 Customers today demand an extremely personalised buyer experience: they want expert guidance throughout a customised buying process. By[...] Price:€ 29,99 Please notify me when this product is back in stock.